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Babybelt Pro
The Babybelt Pro:
A modular and upgradable open source printer offering variable gantry angles
(45 and 30 degrees)
Easy belt tensioning and linear rails.
Your choice of Bambo style or Revo hot ends.

Customize Your Experience
Able to be 3D Printed with a customizable theme in mind!
Imprint your personality, lifestyle or décor into your Baby Belt infinity 3D Printer design.
Belts are a DIY consumable that are easily created and changed over time.
Your printer can easily grow and change styles with you!
Fabreeko and Printcepts have looped together!

Get ready for a fun build with the Honeybadger Baby Belt Pro Kit,
a DIY 3D printer that uses a continuous belt for endless printing potential.
Baby Belt Pro kit – DIY Belted 3D Printer designed by Rob Mink.
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